Sitemap - 2021 - The Goodbye Good Girl Project

We're gonna party like it's 2021

Women and Wildness and Coming Alive

Post-Christmas Recovery

The power you hold

No Christmas "shoulds", please

A little help FOR my friends for the holidays

The no attention to that pagan behind the curtain!

When you "know" you're a pain in the ass...

Big Change = Big Emotions

My mother died today...

It's just the beauty of you

Kentucky surprised me with my day in court


Simon Says: Stop! and Back Away From the Cell!

The #@#^! Holidays...The Good, the Bad, and the Funny

Catching "Merveilles et Miracles" in Everyday Life

A Thanksgiving Miracle

Fascination Spoken Here

When you tell your boss the truth

No, seriously, though...working with the lights off? For FUN?

How do you KNOW when to take a leap of faith?

Do YOU Think Children's Toys Are an Adult Motivation??? Me Neither!

"Fixing" Lori

F*** racism - or - last week at work

Enough of this bullshit...I'm transforming my life!

How to walk in a new direction...AND...

This "we're each other's mirror" thing

Ghost Guests

The stupidest true historical story ever told will rescue you

Are you happy...enough?

When life sucks, how should I keep trying?

Are you headed in "your" direction - or someone else's?

Let it go - the focusing on people who can't meet you "there", the brooding over situations...

Do you believe in beyond?

Into the Chrysalis

My short criminal career...for my brother

My younger brother, death, and weird gratitude

The solution to Covid, Delta, Lambda...

The Company's Worst Covid Response

Surviving the J.O.B. by Personally Thriving

For the love of God, STOP TRYING!

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Inner World

The "Girl" In "A Man's World"

The J.O.B./side hustle conundrum

The Art and Weirdness of "Being Yourself"

It's the mindset, baby!

And the first day of the J.O.B. came...

Overcoming the J.O.B.

3 Cardinal Rules from 70 Years of Growing

I've figured out how to align with my successful self-to-be...

The Entrepreneur's Secret

A Hopeful Woman

An Entrepreneurial Woman?

Yes. I can. Actually, I can.

A Persevering Woman

Are You an Inconvenient Woman?

An Unapologetic Woman

A Persevering Woman...

An Inspired Woman

A Heroic Woman

A Visible Woman

An Unacceptable Woman

A Recovering Administrative Assistant

A Truthful Woman

An "Outspoken" Woman

Kicking the damn "be-nice-to-be-loved" rules to the curb!